KubeRig + Digital Ocean Kubernetes (DOKS)

Today I am going to show you how to setup a KubeRig environment using the Kubernetes service of Digital Ocean or DOKS for short.

KubeRig project setup

In case you want to jump right in you can download or clone the kuberig-empty repository.

In case KubeRig is new for you or you want to know the details about the project setup. Please read this first.

Create a DOKS cluster

To create a kubernetes cluster we can use the doctl command line tool.

Customize the kubernetes cluster to your liking.

I am specifying the region and the size of the nodes.

$ doctl kubernetes cluster create --region ams3 --size s-2vcpu-4gb kuberig-doks-setup-example

After this command completes your kubectl context is updated to the newly created cluster.

Initialize the KubeRig environment

We can use the initEnvironment task to initialize the KubeRig environment.

With the following command we create an environment called dev based on the current Kubectl context.

$ ./gradlew initEnvironment --currentKubectlContext --name dev

The new --currentKubectlContext flag is key.

For details about what the task does when using the --currentKubectlContext flag please visit the initEnvironment task page.

The environment is now ready for use.

Start coding resources and execute the deployDevEnvironment task to deploy them.


The --currentKubectlContext flag of the initEnvironment task is brand new (available from KubeRig version 0.0.27).

It is currently only known to work for Digital Ocean Kubernetes clusters created with the doctl command line.

The Kubectl configuration file has a lot of possible ways to configure access to a Kubernetes cluster and it will take more work to make the --currentKubectlContext deal with them all.

In case you run into problems please create an issue on github or jump in and create a pull-request.

What is next?

Make the --currentKubectlContext work for GKE is next on my todo.

Stay tuned and happy resource coding!