About Me


During my 15+ years I have been exposed mostly to the following:

  • Java and everything around it.
  • Oracle databases up to 9TB including PL/SQL coding.

Lately my focus is on:

  • Kubernetes and everything around it.
  • I have created KubeRig to automate Kubernetes deployments.

What I have also done/created:

  • Contributed to Gradle in the early days.
  • I have created UiRig a Kotlin frontend framework inspired by Elm.

Where I am drawing the line (things I don't do)

  • AI
  • UI Graphics design


I am from 1983. I am married and have 2 daughters. I live north of Antwerp (Belgium).

We have build our home from the ground up. Took us a half a year to build our garage before we could move into it. Took us 2 years more to build our home.

We married at Lake Tekapo in New-Zealand.